Wednesday, October 13, 2010

no day but today

last friday josh and i were walking through garden ridge (3 acres of house crap) and i looked around at the endless supply of stuff. it made me think about all the resources that were used to make it all, and what a waste of money it is. ok, not all of it is a complete waste - the wicker baskets can be handy for organizing and they have rugs, but the majority of the merch is crap. the sad part is there are people who actually buy this stuff and fill their houses with it.

seriously, who needs a faux-metal knight? maybe i should have a giveaway.
after i heard about rick passing away, i had the typical thoughts that come in times of emergency - the meaning of life, how we tend to lose sight of the 'bigger picture' as we get caught up in day-to-day activities... it did not make me want to go to work this week, that's for sure. i've wondered if i have been uplifting and encouraging to any of you, the way rick was for me and many others. i certainly hope so.

i've thought a lot about rick and our friendship since sunday. i still can't believe i'll never get another note or email from him ever again. a couple times i've found myself wanting to share something with him, and then realizing i can't. i certainly can't imagine what it's like for his family. it's kinda crazy how close we can become through our blogging and running! it makes me want to scoop each of you up in a big hug.

tuesday i was reminded again about living life to the fullest when i came across this post from the happiness project. though it is four years old, i still found it relevant. it is a reminder to use all the "special" things we are saving for a "special day". you'll probably never end up using them if you continue to wait. i'm sure we are all guilty of saving certain running clothes for race day only - why don't we treat ourselves to our 'good' gear on non-race days? i'm guilty of doing this in many areas, from cute stationary to kitchen gadgets to underwear. so what are you waiting for? whip out those "special" things and enjoy them today.


  1. Good morning, Lindsay!

    I agree 100% on both topics... 1) I don't know who needs this crap and 2) every day you are given is special and should be treated that way, we are not promised tomorrow.

    With that being said, I think being out there running (or whatever else floats your boat), is a fantastic way to celebrate life!

  2. NOt the comment you were looking for - but my great aunt had a large suit of armor, and the chest opened up into a bar, and I loved it when I was about 8. Not because of the bar, but because she has a SUIT OF ARMOR in her HOUSE and that was cool. And I wanted one ever since. And now these people who live in the alley down the side of my house (tiny shack houses are in the alley) Have one on their front porch, and I only think about how our humid weather must be destroying it. And then this time of year comes along and it works great with the Halloween decorations. So yah, I want a suit of armor. More than M&Ms. Yah, I said that, I went there. :P

  3. Great post and great reminder to live life to the fullest everyday. I'm going to be thinking about the things I storing away. Thank you for sharing your heart!

  4. Good point. I can certainly relate to your post and to the link.

  5. Damn that knight would look good in the hallway! Okay, no more special underwear for me........... thanks for the post, ha!

  6. You're so on the money here. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. Great reminder post, Lindsay - enjoy your day!

  8. Hey girl,
    This was a great post that has me thinking. First of all I will miss Rick too. I loved his posts about hot chick and pony-tail girls:) Those posts always made me smile:)

    Secondly, my mother is like the woman who purchases something new and lets it sit in the closet or drawers. Why? Just freaking wear your new clothes mom! You deserve to have nice things too:)

    Take care and have a fantastic week!

  9. I agree. My response to this is quite personal (and for me, you know it must be since I just about say EVERYTHING in blog world!) but it boils down to a smiliar response- don't wait for anything. Don't feel bad for spending or buying or vacationing. At the end of the day, all you have is that day.

  10. i'm going to be a copycat and say great post :)

    i'm also going to say that now i have to go listen to my rent soundtrack :)

  11. Great post. It's sad that we have to get reminders like this, but it is so important to live in the now, appreciate what we have and quit WAITING.

    As a matter of fact, I think I am going to blow my entire life savings right now to buy a chocolate factory! JK - I don't have nearly enough life savings for that. I spend all my money on races.

    I would miss you if you died. :)

  12. My poor wife. Thinks she can buy new bikes for the kids and store them in the basement until their birthday.
    Are you kidding?
    Those are NEW bikes!
    Get them outside already!!

    And those suits of armor are pretty dumb. Dragons would tear right through them.

    And very cool that you added Rick to your sidebar. Plus, don't worry hurry to find the meaning of life. Every day we get a little bit closer.

  13. Great reminder to seize the day if you will. I try to embrace this and use the "good stuff" on a daily basis, whether it's a favorite perfume, candle, or sports bra.
    Oh and my parents are totally the people who fill their house with garden ridge crap! We're living with them and I swear they have fake greenery and feathers and stuff covering every available inch. It makes me claustrophobic.

  14. Now, this is a post that "makes" me want to hit that "summit" button!!

    True, true, true. I've lived like this since losing the weight. Tomorrow is NEVER guaranteed. Things like skydiving, running half marathons, doing triathlons, are great yes.....but to remember the people who touch/touched our lives is what we will remember the most.
    I have to be one of the least materialist people I know and I'm proud of it. Crap is crap!!

  15. Love the sidebar picture. I hope his family reads your blog because I'm sure it's a comfort.

  16. Thank you for linking to Rick's site; I've been enjoying getting to know bits and pieces of his story reading back through his blog. What a rough, rough time this must be for his family and friends.

    And thanks for the heartfelt, insightful post and great reminder: that tomorrow does not come with a guarantee, so savor the things that make you happy NOW.

  17. Sometimes we need a reminder to live life to the fullest daily. My 22 years with Adrienne, 13 of which were overshadowed by her cancer, certainly taught me never to hold back and rid myself of stuff that clutters and people that negate!

  18. What runningbetty wants is a REAL suit of armor, not a FAUX suit of armor. That's different.

    This post reminds me of a box of Tag a Longs. Alice saved hers in the freezer for over a year waiting for that one day when she was going to need to binge on a box of Tag a Longs. When I finally convinced her to let me eat one, it tasted like fish.

  19. Perfect post for me. I save things for later for sure. I call it savoring them but I am over the top with it. Thanks for the reminder to use them!

  20. This is a beautiful post! I just want you to know that you've definitely been an inspiration to me, and your comments on my blog have really brightened my days and encouraged me when I've really needed it!

  21. I'm so sorry about your friends passing, it is such a challenge to keep things in focus....very sweet post.

  22. I know about holding back and saving to use if for something special. This is a good point about enjoying what you have, now.

  23. I love this post and know that Rick would have as well. Thank you so much for connecting with me - looks like he is continuing to bring people together even after he is no longer here.
