Thursday, October 7, 2010

you got whatever it is: getting ready

[picking up where i left off...]

after rehearsal dinner, i went back to my house with my sisters and some girl friends for ice cream sundaes, my scandalous bachelorette party. one of my friends got me two huge bags of m&m's, a few hershey bars, and some reese's pieces for josh - that's how scandalous we were. my sisters (bridesmaids) and jess (moh) spent the night. i got about 3-4 hours of sleep (and not from nerves, cause i didn’t sleep well pre-wedding-week and still can't now).

i got up to meet my old running partner for a 6am wedding-day run. my car was blocked in by two of my sisters’ cars so i was stumbling around in the dark looking for car keys. after multiple fails, i took jess’s car (only set of keys i could find) after trying to use her keys to open not-her car. i almost thought it was a sign that i should stay home, but eventually i made it out to meet my friend. we started following a group that ran by us and eventually caught up to them and ran with them for about 8 miles. this was the first time i ran in a week and it wasn’t easy, but we had to get in a wedding-day run (she broke her toes the day before her wedding).

last single-lady run (7/17): 8 miles, 1:13:01 (avg pace 9:07)
[this is technically a running blog afterall]

i got home from the run and finally felt tired for the first time all week. i tried to lay down for an hour of shut eye but i thought about how i still needed to pack for the honeymoon. then i got caught up in phone calls and text messages from friends wishing me luck. i enjoyed every text/facebook message/tweet from all my friends! (thanks for the love) :)

anyway, after the nap-fail i packed stuff i’d need for the wedding (note: not the honeymoon haha) and my moh and i took off for the acanthus, my sweet venue. not only is it gorgeous, but it’s owner’s are so accommodating and go way above and beyond to make it the best day of your life. josh and i give it 4-thumbs up. sorry for the sidetrack again. hair and makeup took about 2.5 hours on 6 ladies, and then we had pictures. josh and i did a “first look” to eliminate all the time needed for post-ceremony photos. i tucked a pack of reese’s pieces in my dress as his “wedding present” and forgot about them until we had already taken all the pictures… luckily the little orange wrapper between my boobs was photoshopped out.

first look - i was all kinds of nervous.
this pic makes me think of "american gothic";
not sure i get the headless trend going on right now.

after pics, we hung out in the house as guests arrived. i spied from inside, glad to see the bottled water and fans were being taken and used (yes, i had an outdoor wedding in south carolina in july, who doesn’t like 90 degree humidity?). my friend who i'd asked to do the guestbook arrived and i got to chat with her for a little bit. before she arrived i told people to keep an eye out for “america’s next top model” because that’s what she looks like.

seriously, antm.
soon enough, it was show time...


  1. I love being able to see your wedding photos. Haven't you been married for 3 or 4 months already though? :)

  2. OMG what a breathtaking bride!!!

  3. I LOVE the running shoes with the wedding dress!!!! Perfect. Beautiful!!

  4. I don't quite get the headless photos either.

  5. i hope to run on my wedding day!! :)

    awwww!!! wedding photos!!!

  6. FINALLY some actual wedding pics starring beautiful you!!! Love, love, love the look!!! What I love even more? The fact that you got hitched in your running shoes. Classic!

  7. I love the pics and your outfits. You both look beautiful!

  8. At least your wedding day run was an 8 mile loop and not 8 miles in one direction (away from Josh). haha!

    As for your comment to me about biking. You are doing awesome, keep it up! I think that biking translates to running better than running translates to biking. So, it took me the first two years of biking before I was really comfortable going out hard on the bike.

    And remember, Christmas is right around the corner for a fancy new bike :)

  9. The headless photos are so avant-garde and current - I'm impressed.

  10. You are absolutely beautiful!!!!!!

  11. YAY wedding pics!!!! LOVE them :) love it all, keep it coming!

    also looove that you ran on your wedding day. i SO would if i was getting married now. sadly i was not a runner then, although i did keep saying i wanted to run down to aisle! (to chris, not away lol).

  12. I laughed out loud at the candy wrapper story -- that is great! -- thank goodness for photoshop. Truly beautiful pictures; thank you for sharing with us. And of course you ran on the morning of your wedding day. I'm shocked. :)

  13. great pictures. love the fans. we had so many of those when I was younger. my mom tried to make me carry them everywhere and try to be lady like...pppfff yeah right.

  14. holy crap, that's some awesome venue!!!!!!!!

    really, really beautiful wedding!

    ok, you know i love your dress... also - what a cool idea having such different color dresses for the bridesmaids. fits the summer!!!

  15. Finally some wedding dress pictures! You look gorgeous.

  16. You looked so gorgeous! Love the dress and your little shrug. Perfect!!! But the SHOES! Awesome!!!

    Josh's face in the first look is priceless. AWWW!

  17. stunning! and i love that you ran on your wedding day. i'm hoping that i get to do the same if/when i get married!

  18. Beautiful bride!

    Can' wait to finally see the wedding pics.... PLEEEEEASE, put us out of our misery!

  19. It seems like you've been married forever!
    Pre-wedding run-love it!

  20. Oh, such great photos! You looked beautiful!

  21. I love that you ran on your wedding day! You look so beautiful. That fan picture rocks of your bridal party!

  22. thanks for sharing. Looks like a GREAT day.

  23. Congrats! You look gorgeous!

  24. Headless photos are definitely weird lol.

    I love your pretty! Glad we're finally getting to see pictures!

  25. I actually like the headless shot, maybe I'm weird. Of course, when I was getting married, I loved all kinds of photography and artsy photos...Then, I realized when it was actually me in them they just looked stupid...yours look great though!

  26. Fun post, Lindsay. I still like that ONE picture the best, though.

  27. HOly awesome cutie cute town, what a damn good lookin couple, withe heads or without! Those pics rock!AND you look so comffy and like you were having fun! The total point that so many peeps forget :) A day you WANT to remember! Have a good weekend girl! xo

  28. I love the dresses!!!! And of course the running shoes are PERFECT!!!!

  29. Beautiful pictures lindsay! Thanks for sharing them.

  30. These photos and the honeymoon photos came out just splendidly!

    Your wedding seemed like a very, very happy time and not 100 kinds of stressful.

    It has taken me a little bit, but thanks so much for sharing!

  31. Yes, I love seeing your wedding photos too!! Your dress is beautiful and unique. Keep posting those pictures. You can post 50 if you want and I will enjoy each one. Our wedding was out doors but it was not 90, it was like 45-50 and the reception was only part way enclosed and you could see your breath by the end of the night. But it was still a blast!

  32. I'm loving these wedding recaps! You look so beautiful! The first look shot of you guys is the best.

  33. Lovely ... and I love the "last single lady run!" I still remember the runs I took on momentous days—before my wedding, the day I got my first job, etc. Workouts help process big emotions, positive or negative, and big, happy occasions are no exception!

  34. I remember your friend who did the guestbook - she was sitting in front of me for the wedding ceremony and she is gorgeous!

    And yeah, that's very weird, you two look like you got decapitated.

    omg, the reese's wrapper between your boobs, too funny!

  35. Great pictures! I'm loving these wedding posts. The fans are really fun!

  36. I know I'm a little (no make that a lot) late to the party, but the pics look great!
