Saturday, September 27, 2008

i shoulda ran at 3:30 in the morning

but instead i chose to run at 11:30.

today was race for the cure and as a committee member having to report on site by 5am, my choices to get my run in were either at 3:30am or after the race. my afternoon is full of tearing out old flooring in the house j just bought so i had to squeeze my run in between the race and demo duty. well a tempo run just isn't the best idea after about 5 hours of sleep and running around on your feet for 6 hours, but i sorta made it.

the tempo miles were hard and i could definitely feel them today. never settled into a comfortable cruising pace but i think it's probably from my legs being tired already and my lack of sleep. i was supposed to do 6miles at marathon pace/174-184 hr, but i ended up doing 1mile easy, 2miles tempo, 1mile easy, 2 miles tempo. i figure at least i pushed myself for a couple miles, especially when i'm already so tired.

at least this was a lighter week and today's shorter-"long" run was only 6 miles.

[mile - pace, avg hr]
mile 1 - 9:14, 138
mile 2 - 7:30, 142 *hrm was acting up, i looked down at one point and it said "45", yeah right
mile 3 - 7:52, 176
mile 4 - 8:46, 165
mile 5 - 7:45, 176
mile 6 - 7:38, 180

so my tempo-miles were all over the place but i'm just glad they were all sub-8. i felt slow. not sure how i pulled out a 7:38 for the last mile.

time to stretch and get off my feet, at least for a few minutes anyway.

am run (technically): 6mi, 48:57 (8:09 avg pace), avg/max hr (162/189)


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