Monday, September 8, 2008

training, day 1

today was the official start to my training for the 2009 goofy challenge!

to kick things off with a real bang, i didn't head out on my run until almost 6am this morning and it was still pitch black dark. (normally i'm out running just after 5am, i'm already a slacker) there wasn't even an inkling of sunlight coming up for the first 2 miles of my run. i already miss the mornings where the sun is starting to come up and provide a bit of light around 5:30am. i am kind of looking forward to running in sub-75 degree temperatures and perhaps maybe the humidity will drop below 80% for once.

monday's are scheduled to be my recovery days from my weekend long runs. for now they've all been easy and i am itching to up the mileage but i know in a few weeks my long runs will be actual long runs. while 9-12 are technically long to me, i'm hoping that soon i'll be considering them mid-long runs and logging some serious (16-20+) long runs like a pro. we'll see...

so i got in 4.5something according to nike+ in 36:00 (8:32 pace). once again faster than the planned 9:00 pace but whatever... it wasn't painful and i wasn't too tired so i'm hoping it won't hurt anything, but i really am trying to hold back on my easy/recover days so that i can (hopefully) hit all my paces on my tempo/speed days.


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