Wednesday, November 12, 2008

cereal diet

can i get one run in without having to take an emergency pit stop to drop it like it's hot? seems like lately it either hits me mid-run or right when i still have a quarter-mile to go before i am back at my front door. what great timing you have dear digestive system of mine.

so if you've assumed that i had to stop in the "wooded" area again today, well you'd be right. but other than that the run was alright, faster than my other recent 'easy' days. this is probably a direct result of all the cereal i snacked on throughout the afternoon at work...

once again this morning i awoke before 5am with almost full consciousness and once again decided to not get up and run. i'm getting pretty good at this. tomorrow i must go in the morning because i have to make an attempt at the elusive 800's that i haven't ran too well (or at all) in quite a few weeks, and those will be impossible to do after work whether on the streets (extra traffic) or at the track (sun goes down before i get out of work).

mile 1 - 8:57, 136
mile 2 - 9:16, 148
mile 3 - 8:10, 150
mile 4 - 8:39, 150
mile 5 - 8:55, 152
mile 6 - 8:42, 155
mile 7 - 9:34, 153
mile 8 - 8:39, 154
mile 8.15 - 1:07, 155

another easy 8 miles at a decent pace for an easy day. i'm not really looking forward to tomorrow's 800's but on the other hand i want to push myself through them all for the physical and mental workout. plus it's one of the last hard, speed days i have before atlanta.

i really need to go eat something good and healthy but i'm just not in the mood to make anything and cereal is so easy to just pour...

pm run: 8.15 miles, 1:12:03 (8:50 avg pace), avg/max hr (150/168)


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