Friday, November 14, 2008

foggy bottom

so it was a beautiful day here today...

just kidding. it rained all day but thankfully stopped shortly before i got out of work and left me with no excuses. i got to the track a little before 5 and visibility was about 100m. at least the rain/fog kept the lane hogs away.

the ever accurate weather people were predicting thunderstorms around 6pm so i had to hurry. luckily those never rolled in, and i got my workout done quickly so i would've been safe either way.

today's workout... 8x800 at 3:20 pace, for a total of 7miles including warm up and cool down. when i do my 800s at the track i tend to slack off on the warm up and cool down, when i do them on the (relatively flat) 1/2 mile stretch of street near my house i am better about actually doing them. anyway, it went pretty well and i pushed myself through the repeats instead of cutting them short again.

1x800 - 3:14, 178
2x800 - 3:17, 184
3x800 - 3:08, 182
4x800 - 3:14, 184
5x800 - 3:15, 184
6x800 - 3:15, 184
7x800 - 3:17, 185
8x800 - 3:21, 184

i had to run in lane 2 because lane 1 had an enormous puddle in one of the turns. somehow my left shoe still soaked up a bunch of water during my warm up mile though, and the wet, heavy squishy-ness was all i could think about for the first 2 reps. in rep 3 i started thinking negatively and wanted to quit, but the last time i did 800s i cut them short and i really wanted to get back on track with them so i pressed on. after rep 4 i said to myself, halfway there, lets at least get 6. rep 5 i started actually feeling good - while doing speedwork, i know, what's wrong with me? with that one down i told myself only 3 more, i'm still feeling good, i will finish this workout. the last 3 reps went well, i felt strong throughout, and was glad to actually finish an 800 workout again.

all of my first laps were 1:36-1:37, and i even felt smooth and even-paced throughout the reps. finally, i've found some consistency. my recovery periods (jogging a 400) ranged from 2:15 to 2:34 with heartrates from 161-174. i was a little disappointed in my last rep for being 'over goal pace' but the rest of them were better than pace so i can't complain.

pm run: 7.25 miles (1mi warm, 8x800 w/ 400 jogs, 0.5 cool), 57:17 (7:54 avg pace), avg/max hr (174/200)


  1. Wow, i think you are much faster than me! and at 6 p.m., it's still bright out with you? I'm so jealous!

  2. thank you! and no it is definitely not light out after about 5:40pm now, so i did the last few 800s and my brief, brief cooldown in the dark. i like the fall/winter for being able to sleep in on the weekends and run at 9 or 10am without it being 100 degrees, but i wouldn't mind if there was more daylight during the week.
