Sunday, November 2, 2008

roadkill run

there was a ton of lovely smushed and mutilated roadkill today along the entire 18 miles of my run. luckily most of it didn't smell and i was (for the most part) able to look away and avoid puking. j and i ran the first 6 miles together before stopping back at the house to pick up his bike so he could bike the remaining 12 with me. it was nice to have ran with him not only for his company but also because when we started back out again i could at least tell myself i was at almost 8 miles instead of 2. it got pretty warm out (70s again) and just barely made my water and propel last - i was thirsty.

the run went ok for the most part although i could really feel myself getting tired about 13-14 miles in. i didn't really know why since i didn't run long yesterday and i've ran 16 miles multiple times before and felt fine. it was very tiring and i was glad to be able to sit down once i hit 18. at 17 miles i knew i was more than 1 mile from home so i sent j back to get a car and finished the last mile alone. i knew i did not have the energy to add on an extra mile (initially i thought i'd try to go for it). my lungs held up ok although i think my hr is still off, but maybe the (not so) lovely hills had an effect on that. i also rolled my right ankle shortly after mile 10 but walked it off and hopefully it won't bruise or hurt tomorrow.

mile 1 - 8:59, 117 *hr said 87 for most of this mile so, inaccurate
mile 2 - 9:04, 157
mile 3 - 9:33, 168 *hilly
mile 4 - 9:12, 158
mile 5 - 9:29, 164
mile 6 - 9:28, 166
mile 7 - 9:19, 153
mile 8 - 9:08, 164
mile 9 - 9:02, 165
mile 10 - 9:06, 174
mile 11 - 9:24, 172 *rolled ankle, hilly
mile 12 - 8:43, 171 *big, awesome downhill
mile 13 - 9:24, 163
mile 14 - 9:34, 173 *anddd back up a steep hill
mile 15 - 9:05, 172
mile 16 - 8:45, 172 *got caught in "almost there" mindset, what a lie, plus i think there was a downhill
mile 17 - 9:24, 174 *popular split of the day
mile 18 - 9:10, 175 *felt slower than that but whatever, i made it

time-wise the run wasn't too bad averaging about a 9:13 pace. i didn't set any speedy goals for today and just aimed on finishing all 18 miles while keeping it around a 9-9:30 pace. it's a little disappointing to know how tired i was feeling even with having held the pace so slow. i am officially signed up for the atlanta thanksgiving marathon and would like to run an 8min/mile pace there, but i guess i'll have to realistically adjust that as necessary as race day nears.

am run: 18 miles, 2:45:58 (9:13 avg pace), avg max hr (164/185)


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