Sunday, November 9, 2008

goofy training week 9

recap of training week 9 (11/03-11/09):
[day - mileage, time, avg hr]
mon - 5 easy, 49:00, 144
tue - 8 (4x1mile), 1:07:40, 163
wed - 7 easy, 1:07:05, 148
thu - 8 (5 tempo), 1:08:51, 163
fri - off
sat - 10 pace, 1:21:15, 173
sun - 20 (last 5 @ pace), 3:06:32, 153

mileage total - 58.00 *another record, hopefully broken soon

monday was hard, still tired from sunday's 18. tuesday was still kinda hard too, the mile repeats were slower than i would've liked but i was content with having pushed the pace. wednesday was ok and thursday i finally felt 'over' the previous week's long run, just in time for my day off and more long runs! lovely. saturday went well at goal pace and sunday feels good to have survived. it feels good to be on track with my training plan, and hopefully my future race times will reflect it. patience is sometimes hard to come by - i just want to be fast already, but hopefully i will continue to stick with my training and see the success my consistency and hardwork will bring.


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