Friday, June 12, 2009

my old kentucky home

i've been blessed to partake in some scenic runs in my home-away-from-home, and i finally took my camera with me for my friday 9-miler. the road has gentle, rolling hills through farmland with the occasional tree. for your enjoyment, here are some pics of the sticks:

about a mile into the run
the mile+ visibility is not always the most motivating

shade!! i had to document this rare occasion

i didn't scare any cows today, but look at this cute little baby cow

this puppy dog followed me for a bit but he was pretty nice

more shade!
my favorite part of the run at about 3.5 miles

even hollywood lives in kentucky
well, has a home here anyway

some huge birds

our celebrity has a private 9-hole golf course

every half mile is tagged
(i've heard there's a saturday group run out here)

turned around, time to head back
another view of the golf course

two miles to go
see the tree line waaayyy at the back?
yeah that's where this road turns to the right,
you get to stare at it for over a mile
nope, still not there yet

thursday (6/11) pm run: 9.05 miles, 1:16:41 (avg pace 8:28), avg hr (167), 75*
friday (6/12) pm run: 9.30 miles, 1:21:26 (avg pace 8:45), avg hr (164), 77*


  1. love seeing where other bloggers run... looks peaceful compared to traffic and street lights. have a great weekend.

  2. Looks like a really nice place for a run!

  3. I love the pictures! That reminds me of the backroads in my TN home town! And the long stretches of road like that can be totally unmotivating, no matter how beautiful!

  4. Beautiful scenerey! If it wasn't so dang hot and humid it would be a great place to run! Once or twice.

    Also, I'm still picking myself up off the floor after reading your comments to my blog yesterday. Classic line! You've made my day!

  5. Hey Lindsay - thanks for the great pics! It looks like the end of some movie that I just can't remember and will bug me until I do! Grrrrrr! Looks like a lovely run. Not sure if you saw my Twitter, but I was just reading an old Runners World Australia (well, it's actually the latest, but they only come out bi-monthly so it feels OLD) and there was an article called "Train your brain" and you're quoted in it! If you haven't read it, let me know how I can get it to you!

  6. Aw, beautiful Kentucky country! I like seeing where other people run. It looks so peaceful and QUIET.

  7. Looks very tranquil, though I can see how looking straight ahead can be a bit of a downer. Great pics, Ana-Maria

  8. Hey Lindsay - sorry for the double comment here. I'm getting caught up today.

    Just read your comment about the calculations. I know what you mean. I use Sparkpeople becuase I know it works for me. Plus, I always underestimate my calorie burn through excercise and then overestimate portion size when logging to compensate.

  9. Wow, that's gorgeous. But I can't even imagine how hot and sticky it must get out there--the shade is there but it's not exactly abundant. I'm glad that dog didn't give you any problems--running by/past dogs always freaks me out a little bit. I've been lunged at more times than I care to count!

  10. Good looking road. It's a hell of a lot better than my route!

  11. Those are great photos. What a beautiful area! I'd love to run down there if it wasn't too hot.

  12. I need some flat courses to run on like those in your pictures.

  13. Looks like a really pretty area to run around. Wonder who lives in the big house?

  14. Wow, that's a long straight road! We don't have many like that over here... Is it like that the whole 9 miles?

  15. I wish I lived out somewhere like that. It's too much traffic and too many people. It would be nice to run by cows.

  16. Awesome photos and an equally awesome run!!!

  17. Running in the "celebrity sticks." Nice. By the way, I too am addicted to M+M's. I can kill a bag in record time. Interesting dose of reality on my part...I'll be running in the NY City Marathon with you. How cool! We'll have to try to meet before the race. Yeah right...40,000 runners and we'll try to find one another!

  18. Absolutely LOVE those pictures. I know the view of the horizon miles away might seem disheartening a bit while running on it, but I would kill to be able to run someplace like that, rather than past all the houses here. When I was out with my sister in Michigan, there was farmland close by like that, and I think it was the best part of my run.

  19. Gorgeous photos! I just love how green and serene it looks!

    And wow, that's a couple of great runs you got in there--you are seriously amazing!

    Hope you're having a happy weekend!

  20. Looks like a very peaceful and scenic route. I wonder what celebrity's house that is.

  21. Looks beautiful out there :)

    Glad to hear your body's acclimatized (sp?) to the heat/humidity!

    When you gettin yo Garmin, girl?

  22. Lovely scenery! I think this is a good idea. All of us bloggers should take a camera out with us and show some of the world we run through!

  23. Thanks for taking us with you on your run! I love seeing new places, one of many reasons I'm doing the 50 states thing. I agree with you about mile+ visibility. Some of the rural marathons I've done (KS, ID & MT) had some long stretches that seemed to go forever.

  24. ohhh love these pics! looks like an awesome place to run to me :)

  25. Wow, it is just beautiful out there! I love the white fences everywhere in Kentucky.

    Have you thought about running the Flying Pig at all? It is the first weekend in May, and I'd really like to do the half there next year!
