Wednesday, August 18, 2010

calories schmalories

sometimes being in denial is just plain easier. this morning i stepped on the scale and caused an earthquake over near the philippines. i know i've been all "i need to get back on track" for an eternity now, and today's weigh-in was more than enough of a wakeup call. hello ten pounds, it is sooo nice to see you again. i certainly can't hide behind denial anymore.

like glenn, i use "lose it" on my iphone to track my calories in/out. by "use" i mean sporadically of course, but this is going to change. today i successfully tracked each and every morsel that crossed my lips, and even utilized restraint when i was "hungry". per the lose it app and my stats, i'm allotted 1600 net calories/day and unfortunately that number is not hard to rack up. no wonder i gained weight - i'm sure i was eating at least twice that much most days. i know i'm married and all now, but i do not need to let myself go that much...

on the running front - things are slightly better. i've been off the 'scripts for two days and *so far so good*. i'm still not sweating normally, but that's the least of my concerns compared to everything else. hopefully things won't relapse and i can continue running.

sunday i surprised myself with a little progression run. granted, this "speed" used to be my easy pace, but that's just how it is. i need to rebuild.

sunday (8/15) am run: 3.40 miles, 29:26 (avg pace 8:39), avg/max hr (173/197), 75*/96% humidity
[8:57, 8:41, 8:15]

today i went "long". boy do i have a long way to go in the stamina department. five-miles are not supposed to be so hard!

wednesday (8/18) pm run: 5.06 miles (i'm counting every inch), 47:41 (avg pace 9:25), avg/max hr (165/188), 82*/80% humidity


  1. It's ok, I think gaining weight on your honeymoon is par for the course. I gained 12 on mine - in just 10 days! At least we're well informed on how to best remedy the situation. It won't take you long to get back on track!

  2. Hrr, that sucks, but you've had a lot going on. Also, I think part, if not most of the weight gain is due to the fact that you exercised much less than before. Once you exercise more, you'll get back to your setpoint weight. Still, tracking food is good, I think. The best weight loss book, in my opinion is "Beck diet solutions. Train your brain to think like a thin person". Check it out, it has you work on why you eat, and helps you with the "denial" part (it's not a diet book)

  3. Good run in that humidity! I am still in denial and haven't stepped on a scale. I am afraid I'll say OMG and then WTH I weigh so much it is hopeless just keep eating. Inspire me please!

    I am looking at the comment above. I have that Beck book. Haven't read it. Maybe I should.

  4. 1600 calories? My breakfast on a normal day is 800. 1600 adds up real fast!

    We didn't own a scale at the time, but judging by how tight my clothes grew, I probably gained a solid 40lbs during the first 6 months of marriage. At least your recognizing the trend early on!

  5. Stay consistent with your runs...even if they're short and slow. Eventually it'll come back. If you get into the situation where you're trying to run too fast or too long and you start to dread the runs, then it's doing you no good. You'll get faster anyway when the temps come down.

  6. Well, I'm right there with you sister!! Only add another 3 to that and that's where I'm at. GRRR. I don't have that handy-dandy app (I'm not privledged enough to own one :P ) but I've been tracking on and I love how it makes cute little pie charts with my carb/protein/ if I can just DO something about it other than watch my intake go higher than my out-take. :P. Ok, you and me will keep track of our "pounds down" each week, then we'll be better at being good. :)

  7. I like to give myself at least a week back from vacation to weigh myself. It never goes very well.

  8. Being in denial is easier. But that scale always ruins are fantasies.

    You have had a lot going on too so I spose you can only do the best you can do. Right? But if you're going to pick a method for losing weight, calorie counting is pretty effective.

    Are we all done with the Tahitian dream pictures? Those were nice.

  9. Back into it, way to go. The extra weight will go bye bye in no time.

  10. Weight sneaks on so easily but is so hard to take off. It's not fair. :(

  11. I just realized today that I put on some pounds too... Haven't run consistently in three weeks... which is some sort of record for me, especially depressing since I also had a record of most consecutive days... Maybe they are related?

  12. You will be queen of the road soon. It is only a question ofn starting and you have already done that.

  13. I know that "10lb" fella quite well too!! He always shows up this time of year for me! Once it gets cold-I'll get rid of him again and again and again!
    Hey, wondering...did you ever try the antler?

  14. I know how you feel about 5 miles being long. It comes back fast though.

  15. At least 10 pounds is a nice, round number.

    You may have been in denial about the weight gain, but you're handling it great now. Hell, it would be just as easy to go from denial to acceptance.

    It gives me pain just thinking about tracking calories, so you're a better person than I. That's clearly true of eating AND running, seeing how you added that extra .06 in such miserable weather.

  16. I think 1,600 is way to low for a runner! But anyhow, I can relate to feeling over where you want to be. I'm sure you're gonna get back on track now that life will hopefully return a bit to normal.

  17. I gained 10+ pounds over my honeymoon so I agree it comes with the territory. I'm sure you'll get back on track!

  18. The best thing about exercise is you gain more calories to eat per day (besides the other benefits, I mean).

  19. Girl - I know to you your running times look slow, but to me, I'm impressed. You will be back up to speed in no time, and that weight will drop off too.

    Counting calories works best for me, but I get so tired of it, so mostly I cut back on carbs a little, and try to control my portions. Seems I have to really concentrate because I will "mindlessly" eat up a LOT of calories in a HURRY. Urgh!

  20. Echoing everyone above, you are going to kick a**, have more motivation, and be more amenable to going out for a long run come the cooler weather and the rhythm of wedding and work starts to fall in sync.

    Keep rocking.

  21. I would've stayed away from the scale for at least another week or 3...things need to normalize ya know?
    If it makes you feel any better I share your pain on the paces, etc. This too shall pass!

  22. I've had a few of those wake up calls myself. I HATE HATE tracking calories, but I've been doing it lately as well. Otherwise, I eat waaay more than I need to.

    Yay on some decent runs!!

  23. Ahh the speed will come back, the weight will come off... it's so frustrating in the meantime, but just take it slow and trust yourself. Building the mileage back up... it's one of those, "the days are slow but the weeks are fast" deals. You'll be there before you know it.

  24. All I do is eat. I would seriously be a house if I did not work out!!!

    I once had a dr (that is no longer my dr) say I should be eating aroun 1100 calories and try to lose 10lbs. At the time, I was 10lbs less than I am now!!!!

    Once you start back up, you'll bounce back! Weddings, honeymoons and such are fun- you only get to do it once (I HOPE!) so let it be and start over!!!

  25. LOL... same thing happens to me every year at my birthday.

  26. haha i gained 10lbs right after our wedding too, i think all on the honeymoon! you will get back at it though :) i use the daily plate app occasionally, mostly when i am in training to make sure i eat more! its also a good motivator if i want to eat more, just do SOME exercise and eat X many more calories LOL

  27. I was never any good at counting calories. It was easier for me to just make sure I was making good choice. I'm far from perfect but better than I used to be.

  28. Girl once you hop back in.. your in. you'll be fine! No no no I mean FABULOUS. you'll be just fabulous darling!

  29. Every journey starts with a single step, realizing the denial is that first step!

    Anyway it's the freshman 15!

  30. I heard about that earthquake!!!LOL! You will get back down in a jiff! Hope you start sweating!

  31. It will come back fast, don't worry. Your additional cross training on the bike will help too!

    I've heard that army green is the new black any ways! :)

  32. haha yeah i get depressed counting calories cuz i can easily pack double what i'm "supposed" to eat... hmmm. i do always feel my best when i eat less overall and kinda "simplify" but it's a pain to track and really count or obsess.

  33. I am in the same boat Lindsay! Ive put on a stone (14lbs) my long run is just 5 miles at a slow pace.

    But I am really enjoying it!

  34. I can track my calories for a few days, then get completely ravenous & start "forgetting" to put what I eat in.

    Plus I really really didn't want to know that my large caramel McD's frappe is almost half my daily recommended calories.

  35. Okay. Time to keep each other accountable. I'm out the door for my 9 miles (it's 9AM here on Saturday....)

  36. I got a checkup for the first time in years and found out I actually gained a couple of pounds since I last checked. Good news is the results for everything were perfect (better be, with all this running I'm doing). Back to the point, I'm sure I can actually lose weight if I truly watched what I eat, which I don't yet. Hopefully that app will help you get on your way. Great job on the runs too!!
