Wednesday, August 25, 2010

moonin' my honey: european sunbathers

aka more pictures of paradise, i hope you're not sick of them yet.

i woke early on friday for no reason, so i went out to photograph the sunrise but there were clouds on the horizon. at breakfast i learned the word “firi firi” (tahitian donut); i ate my weight in them all week (shame on me and my food allergies). hmm perhaps that's where some of those 10 lbs came from...


we rented a scooter to explore the whole island. stopped in haapiti for lunch at les tipaniers on the beach, also where we saw our first french sunbathers. nothing like a side of boobs with my burger (sorry, no photos of that). we scootered around the island, stopping in a few towns to shop. later, after more laying out, we went to toatea for more crepes ("la gourmande" - potatoes, bacon, white wine sauce) and some expensive cocktails (a "royal tahiti" and "moorea").

hey i never claimed to be cool

more deliciousnessssss

saturday the hotel had run out of mangos at breakfast and the day was mostly spent snorkeling/laying out. there were tons of colorful little fish and we wished we had an underwater camera. we watched a wedding on the beach from our deck, and had new european neighbors 'move' in. lucky us, more banana hammocks & boobs. we went for another island run; i was again sweat-less while josh dripped buckets. for dinner we had reservations to a fancy surf & turf buffet with a french polynesian show.

maximizing my dork status

why can't i shake it like this?
(i tried, and failed)

josh loves it when i sing this song.


  1. Where are all of the pictures of banana hammocks & boobs?

  2. Ditto on Tri-James. And video of you shaking it?

  3. Yeah, we never quite got used to the European style while we were there either. awkward.

  4. All you speak of were the "boobs"..what about all the "banana's" laying in the hammocks??!!

    Just wondering! ;)

  5. I want those donuts. They. look. amazing. What 10 lbs? I think you look great and so happy in these pics. What a blast!

  6. Intrigued by the European style sunbathing?! I have never heard topless or nude sunbathing called that before. There are a small number of beaches in the UK that allow it but generally it is not allowed it is the British reserve you know! Plus it is also too cold most of the time!

  7. Dont worry, I never get boried with pictures of paradise!
    just amazing!

  8. Loving all the pics for real! It looks like you guys had such a great time!!!

  9. Yay! More recap/pics! Still waiting on those wedding details... hmmmmm?

    Way to embrace your dork-hood!

  10. Yay! I love seeing pictures of people's trips...that doesn't make me sound creepy, right? Still looks like an amazing trip!

  11. I can't open the video here at work (how dare they) but I will when I get home. I love your pictures....and I can't wait til you and I move there :).

  12. What Tri-James and Kovas said....

    Seriously though - thanks for sharing all these photos and videos. Almost makes me want to climb on a plane....

  13. ahhhhhhhhhh i am having vacation envyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. take me awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

    wondeful photos. you guys did so much! love it all!! and great memories, too :)

  14. Never has "banana hammock" been so eloquently inserted into a post...

  15. Not sure if I can say this any later (sorry about that), but...CONGRATS on being a married lady! :) Your honeymoon pics are gorgeous!

  16. Lol. I am sure that you really enjoyed seeing that while eating ;)

    Sounds like you are having a great time!

  17. i feel like i just went on a mini-vacation... if i haven't said so before - you guys are a very good-looking couple!

  18. I got to the party late. The obvious question has already been answered.

  19. Oh the topless sunbathers...We had a topless sunbather walk right past us during our wedding ceremony in Jamaica. She was only wearing a coral thong and let's just say the ladies were not wher God had intended. :)

    Oh we will never forget that moment. I almost peed my pants!

    Your pictures are so gorgeous! I am so glad you guys had such a fun time.

  20. Congratulations for your holidays!

  21. It's always fun being dorky!

  22. I love that you can be dorky and share it with us! I could do the dorky part...

    Wonderful trip it sounds like!

  23. Hmmm..those 10 lbs seem worth it!

  24. Awesome recap and pics! So jealous of your sweatlessness! Yeah, now you just have to put it to good use and actually RUN :)

  25. These are all great pictures Lindsey! I love the pictures of the is so clear and blue:)

  26. Beautiful pictures!!

    I grew up between European sunbathers... I never knew (before I moved here) that Speedos have such a stigma to them! ;-)

  27. great pics! looks like you had an amazing time!

  28. looks like an amazing time!

    hey... you WON the Chobani giveaway! Congrats! Send me your address and I'll send you the coupons!

  29. I eat these pictures like chocolate! I think you need to go back to get MORE.. agreed?

  30. You really have a way with words you know. Maximizing your dork status? lol. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures. You are sharing your life with a bunch of online people. lol. Though, I am disappointed! Where are the boob pics?

  31. Is the last one your in the shower song?

  32. I think it's impossible to get bored with pictures of paradise! Love that you ran during your honeymoon. It's what I would have done too, if only to allow for more of those tahitian donuts! I'm happy that you had a great honeymoon and that you are sharing the pix with us!!

  33. What a neat experience to see that show.

    And I love how many of your commenters couldn't resist commenting on your "unusual" experiences.

  34. Ah, isn't vacationing with europeans near you fun? Bill and I used to look for them, and then trick the other person into looking at them too, like "hey, what's that over there?!" psych!

    I never claimed we were mature.
