Friday, August 20, 2010


unlike all you crazy racing addicts (ahem aron and marlene!), i've run in a whopping three races this year. three! i wasn't even remotely near my a-game for any of them either.

it's time to pull my head out of the sand and (wo)man up. i've been very slack at running races for months now because a) i don't want to register in advance and wind up injured/unable to run and b) i end up not-training because i'm not signed up for anything and don't want to race because i know i won't do well (oh the dilemma i put myself in). needless to say i'm working on teaching myself that racing doesn't always have to be "racing"; i need to let it be fun too. well, i also ought to get back to training regularly...

i usually suck at putting together a prospective race calendar because it's tough to find races around here, except in the fall. good thing fall is around the corner:

  • 8/21 - some dude's memorial 5k - this race will probably be worse than my high school cross country times; i did practically take all of july off remember. it's only a $5 piece of humble pie though. (registered)
  • 9/3 - midnight flight 1mile, 5k and 10k - i'm going for the trifecta, three races in one night. presumably by then i will have been running consistently for a month...(registered)
  • 9/24 - bmw 2-mile - well, this one i may wuss out on. last time i ran it i placed 3rd overall. i don't know if my ego can handle that blow.
  • 10/9 - a local half-marathon - mostly because there are never half marathons within an hour's drive, but also because in theory i will have some long runs in my legs again and could use this as a speedy training run.
  • 11/7 - fresno 50k - you know, that bright idea i had after running boston+derby... (registered)
  • 12/11 - charlotte marathon - all my other 2010 goals may be shot but dangit i will run three marathons this year.
  • 1/7 - ragnar relay florida keys!!! hello, why wouldn't you run this one. miami to key west, in january. yes please. (registered)
i feel like i'm on intervention. first my diet is whipped into shape and then i put together a plan for 9 races of various lengths. granted most of these races are being run "for fun"/training as i am well aware i'm not in pr shape. saturday's 5k is gonna be interesting, to say the least...


  1. Hot damn! Now that's what I call some motivation! Knock em dead Lindsay!

  2. Looks like you have your work cut out for you!

    What is that local half in early October? Sounds like I could to a dress rehearsal for the Spinx Half three weeks later.


    So you've had some health issues and that whole wedding business holding you back... no more, chicky! :)

  4. Ooh, this sounds fun! The comeback trail! No need for PRs or blistering times, just building it back up little by little. Remember to be nice to yourself through the comeback process :)

  5. Sure looks like lots of fun!!

  6. I am planning to run charlotte as well - haven't registered yet because I'm broke, but I ran it last year and it's a good one!

    have you run midnight flight before? I thought about registering, but don't know much about it.

  7. Way to take the bull by the horns. The 'fun run' race concept is new to me this year. Not sure when I'll be in racing shape again.

  8. YES!!! I love a good race schedule. Harder to back out once you pay for them. You're gonna be awesome!

  9. Looks like an awesome race schedule.

  10. Looks good! I love running during the fall/winter time!

  11. Woh, the Fresno 50K is hardcore....will you be in the SF Bay Area, too?? We could meet-up...

  12. That list should keep you busy and motivated! Have fun at the one this weekend - I'm sure you'll still do fine!!

  13. Tell more about that 3 in one night. That sounds like fun. And 3 marathons in one year is impressive no matter how many other races!

  14. is this fresno 50k in CALIFORNIA?!?!? or is there another fresno somewhere?

    if so i hope you are making a trip to the bay :)

  15. Getting some races on the calendar is definitely the first step! Nice job!

  16. That's totally motivating! I don't think you're slacking at all, at least you're doing something. Even running a few miles, that's better than most people. Most people never run 5K, much less a 50K (eek- I could do a 10K, when I was healthy, does that count?).

    Plus, the temps will be cooling down soon so that will definitely help you train for all these races!

    Amy Lauren

  17. I think somebody mentioned to me months ago, that the XTERRA association was pretty expensive and that they are not continuing with it... Just completely forgot about it when I wrote that race report. The races should stay the same though!

    I will keep the half in Spartanburg in the back of my head and maybe will use it as a training run.

    Have a great weekend!

  18. Good motivation and very good schedule to run! I like the Half Marathon and of course Orlando Marathon.

    You think ok, so you're right! It's simple but dificult at time. I believe in you, you know... only has to chase your dreams.

    See and chase you Lindsay friend

  19. That's a great schedule! Good luck on Saturday!

  20. I believe that I'm wrong and it is Charlotte Marathon! Sorry but sometimes I run with the computer!

  21. Signing up for races makes training real. Just remember to keep having fun. Best wishes!

  22. Signing up for races makes training real. Just remember to keep having fun. Best wishes!

  23. Yay! Lindsay is back to running and racing! I am always inspired to have you running/racing when I'm running/racing. I've been dragging since you've been on the sidelines. Now I'm ready for a resurgence. YES!

  24. Holy Moly woman!!! A 50K!!!! Yikes!! I do like the Miami-Key West..I'd like to do that one, how many miles is that?

  25. Wow, when you commit, you really commit! By the way, have you read the book "Committed"? V good.
    Yay for racing!

  26. I love a plan. Woo Hoo! Getting ready for the races. Fun!

  27. Now if that's not procrastinating, then I don't know what is. I'm with you about not wanting to sign up early in case something comes up. And I definitely don't like registering in bunches like what you just did? Some races are just so expensive, makes me want to run as a bandit (will never do, of course!).

    Can't wait to hear how you did on that 5K!

    Oh yeah and those midnight races sound fun too, I want to try one out some day. I am a fan of night running and all, night racing would be awesome!

  28. Miami and Key West are AMAZING. I am jealous!

    Looks like a great schedule by the way! Are you reg'd with the married name?

  29. Can't wait to hear about the Ragnar Florida Keys. We were thinking about it so we'll use you as the Guniea Pig. I'm sure it will be awesome!

  30. hope you're kicking some tail tonight!
