Friday, August 13, 2010

trouble in my zones

i recently bought jillian michaels' "no more trouble zones" dvd because i needed to spend a few more bucks at to qualify for free shipping. logical, i know.

when the package arrived, i popped the dvd in and noticed "recommendations" on the menu, before the workouts. hmm, recommendations? what could that be... oh just a warning for newbies: "beginners, complete as many circuits as you can and build up to doing the entire workout".

psssssssssssssssssssh, i thought. these warnings for beginners are always lame. how hard can this be? who can't do a 40-minute dvd? i'm only using 5lb weights.

warm-up: no biggie. some marching in place and jumping jacks.
the circuits: ohh. emm. gee.

each circuit is 2 sets of 5 moves; nothing complicated or requiring much coordination (as even i can do them).

halfway through the first circuit jillian said "ok now remember, this is only our first circuit so you should be feeling fresh right now".

fresh?!!? fresh??!?! i don't think so. at this point i was already taking slower reps, pausing, and feeling like i might throw up. i didn't even finish the stupid dvd! i only made it 5 of 7 circuits before collapsing on my mat, gasping for air. pathetic. forget about the doms, this workout gave me ioms.

apparently you can get reallllly out of shape in one measly month, fyi.

thanks, jillian, for handing my ass to me. i still can't walk two days later.

(while this workout was tough for me and my out-of-shape self, i still did not sweat. and no, the a/c was not cranked up.)


  1. Funny! I have the same CD and thought it was lame of me to even buy it. It must do something - my muscles hurt for a couple days too... Maybe I just overestimated my level of fitness :)

  2. Totally get the buy more to get free shipping. Need to spend another 20 dollars to save 6 in shipping? Of course I am going to do it.

  3. So what is needed for the DVD? Weights? Mats?

    I might need to buy this!

  4. What? That's the way I feel after an easy 3 mile run! Okay okay. Maybe after a four miler...

    And as incredulous as it sounds, I really did not think Yo add up the calorie numbers at the end if the week. I was busy looking at trees instead of the forest.

  5. I did a dvd...well it was vhs then like 12 years ago. Maybe I could try it...along with the five kids cause you know they will want to do it too. Ha. Wouldn't that be a sight?

    I babysat a kid once who couldn't sweat. We had to watch him in the heat and have water on hand to spray him down to make sure he didn't over heat. Is that what you have to do? Is this just a recent thing? Hmmm...

  6. I think your experience can be true of any of those video workouts until you do it a few times.

    But, as a warning, they really should include "IOMS Inside!" on the cover of the DVD.

    You're mentioning your sweat issue pretty frequently, I hope you get relief soon.

  7. I ALWAYS do this on Amazon to get the free shipping! I think that's actually how I got this same DVD...I was totally sore after doing this. I actually haven't done it again're motivating me to give it another go!

  8. did you ever go back and read the "recommendations" ;-) actually, i was thinking about buying that dvd for a while now and only heard good things so far... we'll on my next trip to sports authority

  9. I always buy more to get free shipping too... they've got a good racket going on with those online retailers, huh?!

    I've heard that Jillian disc is hard. I have the 30-Day Shred disc and some of those moves are tough. I should start doing it again, I've been really lax on strength training.

    The not-sweating issue is probably contributing to making everything feel more difficult. That's kind of disturbing when you read the mayo clinic link you included on the previous post!

  10. Love the review. this has been on my list of potential buys for a while. maybe post marathon?

  11. i've never done one of jillians workouts, but i understand she is BRUTAL!

  12. Your fitness will come back. If you are doing something different give it a week or two for your body to adapt to those movements and you'll be kicking butt.

  13. I did this DVD for 2 months before I was in a wedding and totally noticed a difference. But yeah, it's HARD!!!

  14. Okay, I have to admit, I just catching up on a lot of posts. First of all your honeymoon in Tahiti looks really cool. I'd love to go there sometime.

    Secondly, that's a lot of time off for you. Work back into it slowly.

    And not sweating? What's up with that? Especially in that heat and humidity.

    Finally, I never do any dvd's for exercising. My ego couldn't handle the blow.

  15. Hahaha, just wait till next spring!

  16. Jillian is pretty much known to kick ass through a TV!

  17. i'm totally curious about this now. jillian is such a scary lady.

  18. I suspect that JM's workouts are pretty hard, but I really don't like her so I refuse to try them. A DVD is better than paying for shipping--at least you have something to show for it!

  19. Jillian's workouts are ridiculous. It's definitely not you or your shape but the fact that she doesn't do the workouts herself, she has her assistants do them.

    Thanks for the inspiring words about the content of my posts. Still trying to find my "voice" and I think it's getting better and closer, thanks to feedback like yours!

  20. I should see if they have that dvd at a local library, once one ever opens up. Sad to say it, but the library near my new place is closed until the fall, sometime.

    I like the "handing you your ass" comment. Nice!

    I haven't done strength training in a while either, unless you count lifting moving boxes, so don't feel bad. :-)

  21. Dang, I really need to try this Jillian Michaels character. Your review made me laugh out loud! I have the feeling her DVDs must involve a lot of swearing at the TV...

  22. Ahh but you get good at the things you do...a lot!
