Thursday, August 12, 2010

square one

after those gruesome 23 days off in july, i decided i needed another 8 9 days off for good measure (i promise, it wasn't complete laziness, my health had a bigger say in the matter).

on tuesday, after 32 days off (with 3 whopping days of running sprinkled in there), i finally made it out for a run. i now know how people on "biggest loser" feel when they first start working out; i even had the urge to puke a few times (but didn't).

tuesday (8/10) pm run: 3.21 miles, 30:55 (avg pace 9:39), avg/max hr (174/193), 88*/81% humid
you'd think i did a speed workout based on my hr stats. my tested-max is 203-ish! i should point out that while it was 88 degrees and 81% humid, i did not break a sweat. yeah that's normal right? supposedly my inability to sweat is not life-threatening, but from what i've read on anhidrosis i'm not so sure. i thought this was going to be my starting block for getting back in a routine, but we'll have to wait and see.

i know i am partly only able to run because i'm medicated, but i may as well run this week since these are only 10-day 'scripts (and duh, of course i hope that one day -sooner rather than later- i will be able to run/live life normally again). my 19,473 doctors and i are investigating my messed up, out of control immune system.

which speaking of, i'm soon going to hit my deductible (and i'm on the "catastrophic" plan, so it's a nice, high deductible). soon all my medical junk will be free for the rest of the year! anyone know if health insurance covers liposuction?


  1. Hmmmm.... Lipo.... You might have to figure out a medically necessary reason to get it past the insurance co. Lol. Nice thought! The sweating thing is crazy. I might be a little jealous... I have heard you might overheat mire quickly if you don't sweat so definitely be careful in the heat.

  2. I'll be experiencing the whole 'starting over' thing soon too. But I guarantee that I will break a sweat. I'm pretty good at it actually. lol

  3. Oh my goodness, this sounds like a frustrating pain in the booty. "Starting over" is one thing, but starting over while navigating all manner of mystery medical anomalies is another matter entirely. You seem so upbeat and non-wallowy about it. Good luck and be careful in the heat!!

  4. Health is number 1 for sure. I really hope you don't have so much to worry about SOON! Run when you can, don't when you can't. Eat M&M's and wear an apron like a good wife. hehehe

  5. Yeah, starting over sucks. But hey, you got married and got to spend some time on a beautiful tropical island. That's worth starting over for, right?

    I used to not be able to sweat. It really sucked. I went through three summers in Texas without ever breaking a sweat. Two years ago, while on a run, the floodgates opened. I sweat normally now, but can definitely empathize with your situation.

  6. Hi Lindsay, I hope you are well and your sweat problem only be a question of summer and humidity.

    I follow and chase you!


  7. I wonder how I'll feel when I finally get in a run. *sigh*. I suppose I could run in the water. It'd definitely be cooler anyway.

    Don't do liposuction, and why is Miguel chasing you? Ha, Ha.

    Anyway, I hope you sweat soon. I'd give you some of mine if I could. (ok, that sounded odd)

  8. Linds you made me laugh with that last comment about liposuction...I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. You are a great runner!!

  9. hmmm well you have to fight for health insurance to cover correcting a deviated septum (rhinoplasty) b/c technically it's considered cosmetic surgery. so the doc has to sign off to say it's medically relevant and will improve quality of life significantly. so i guess you'll have to fist-fight for lipo ;) hah.

    anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywayyy maybe you shouldn't start with running??? take a couple weeks to do some (hard working) cross training. feel a little bit more "in shape" then jump back into it????

  10. well breaks are good, no matter what! i took four months (more or less) last fall and i felt so much better when i got after it again.

    well, i hope all this medical junk gets worked out, at least you are running again and hit your decutible? ;) and YES there HAS to be a way to get insurance to cover lipo, hilarious!

  11. ugg girl, i am sorry!! i hope you can get this figured out very soon so you can feel better! i have to say your attitude is great about it all :)

  12. Oh, you could've gotten a Pukie! Next time don't hold back - an award is an award!

  13. Wanna hook a girl up with a boob job?

    ps- starting over totally SUCKS!

  14. What kind of crazy medication are you on that you don't break a sweat running in 80 degree weather? That's insane!

    I hope you are getting treated right and can get back to crushing me in the mileage department soon :)

  15. Yikes, I hope that goes away soon. Running is so hard to start again that I wonder how I ever got started in the first place!

  16. I've run like 3 times since the RKC! Yeah, this 1/2 marathon in two weeks is going to be fun! Insert major sarcasm here!!!

  17. Liposuction, massages, whatever! Go for it!

  18. You so do not need lipo! Not being able to run does suck- I had to take a whole month off but I was so sick before that I was able to run BETTER after the month off, lol. How sad- but I know how you feel starting over. I'm sure once the docs figure out what's wrong with your immune system and you're able to work out again, you'll get your strength, stamina, and speed back really quickly.

    But hey, if I met my deductible... I'd be getting whatever I could too. Massages, now that would be really awesome right there...

    Amy Lauren

  19. Hey, could I fly out there and pretend I'm you and have my heel looked at for free? Sweeeeet! I still can't even get my insurance to take me off of a holding pattern just to have it looked I can understand your frustration with all the doctors. Hang in there....there's gotta be an answer somewhere, right?? Right!!!

  20. Oh wow. My son played baseball for a few years with a guy who had anhidrosis. He was able to adapt to the condition nicely. No - it's not life threatening as long as you are aware.

    If you think your deductble is high - try being a business owner and finding affordable health insurance. How does $7K grab you....

  21. Well I know this doesn't help you, but I very DEFINITELY, sweat enough for both of us.

    Hang in there. I hope you get all resolved very soon. Tough time of the year to be starting over, but we all know you are TOUGH.
